Free virtual family law clinics

Dealing with a family matter and need legal advice?
Attend our free virtual clinics on Wednesdays

If you’re dealing with a family matter in these challenging times, we’re here to help you.

Whether you need advice about the process of separating or divorce, managing care arrangements for children, or drawing up pre- or post-nuptial agreements, our friendly family law team will answer your questions and guide you on your next steps.

Attend our free virtual clinic for a confidential, compassionate chat.

  • When: 10am till 12 noon
  • Where: Virtually (by telephone or video call)

Next clinic: Wednesday 12th March

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For wills, powers of attorney and executries, please contact McDougall McQueen.

Mr, Mrs, etc.

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We’ve already helped hundreds of people in relation to:

Family matters.
Helping you navigate life's ups and downs.

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Allan McDougall

With you every step of the way.

What our clients say

  • Thank you for all your help and assistance with my case, Eilidh Campbell. This has been one of the longest and hardest years of my life, made easier with your help and the work you have done. Please pass on my thanks to Jill Bamber as well. She was always amazing and calming when I was very stressed out.
  • Eilidh Campbell, thank you. The way you presented my defence in court was excellent and it was one of the best representations I have had since I had my first hearing in the family courts. You understood my position fully and raised all the issues. I am very grateful to you for your hard work. I feel very fortunate to have such a safe pair of hands representing me.

Call free: 0808 560 0872

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