
Gordon Milligan achieves specialist accreditation in personal injury law

Gordon Milligan, an associate with Allan McDougall, has been accredited as a specialist in personal injury law by the Law Society of Scotland.
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Working in the heatwave: your rights at work

With UK temperatures set to exceed 40 degrees in the coming days, find out what your rights at work are during the heatwave
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How we helped turn things around for these injured Unite members

Unite the Union members have free access to the trade union’s legal scheme, Unite Legal Services.
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Personal injury cases for other law firms’ clients

Many other law firms now refer their clients to us through our Injury Compensation Alliance.
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Why these members are relieved they pursued their personal injury claims through Unite

Unite Legal Services provides members with full representation for all personal injury cases
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Can I still claim damages if the accident was partly my own fault?

Contributory negligence means that any damages awarded will be reduced by such an extent as the court considers is “just and equitable”
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Appeal Court finding regarding hearing loss and tinnitus

Appeal Court upholds finding in favour of worker who developed hearing loss and tinnitus due to fire alarm noise
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Collective bargaining and unlawful inducements update

An update on our last article on unlawful inducements
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Was your accident at work really your own fault?

After an accident many people feel embarrassed and think it was their own fault. However, very often the law sees things quite differently.
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Do you have an asbestos related condition and think you can’t claim?

Illnesses that developed from the use of asbestos in the UK building industry can take decades to develop.
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Matrimonial Property: Special Circumstances and Source of Funds

How is matrimonial property divided “fairly”?
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Does personal injury legislation reflect changes in society?

In a new discussion paper, the Scottish Law Commission seeks views concerning reform of laws which have been enacted by legislation.
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