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Recent successes

Personal Injury compensation claims

Our highly regarded, experienced and trusted team of specialist lawyers handles over 800 personal injury claims every year. Whether it is workplace accidents (including fatal accidents and catastrophic claims), work-related diseases, road traffic accidents, medical negligence or other public liability claims, we are here to help.

£2,500 damages have been awarded to a client injured at work when steam burnt her left hand. More than the initial offer.

£10,000 has been awarded to a client following an asbestos compensation claim, settled on the basis that he can seek further damages.

£12,000 damages have been awarded to a client who suffered whiplash and psychological injuries due to a road traffic accident. More than the initial offer.

£13,770 compensation has been awarded to a client who suffered neck, ankle, knee and back pain, as well as flashbacks and disturbed sleep, caused by a road traffic accident in which his colleague was killed. More than the initial offer.

£3,500 damages have been awarded to a client injured when stacks of cardboard collapsed on top of him.

£12,000 damages have been awarded to a client who had two toes amputated due to negligent care. More than the initial offer.

£5,000 compensation has been awarded to a client who suffers from carpal tunnel syndrome.

£6,500 compensation has been awarded to a client who suffered soft tissue injuries when he fell off a chair at work. More than the initial offer.

A client who was injured when her hand was pulled into a machine at work has been awarded £13,000 damages. More than the initial offer.

£10,000 compensation has been awarded to a client who suffered from tennis elbow after lifting a wacker plate at work. More than the initial offer.

£3,750 compensation has been awarded to a client who was injured when she fell down a manhole at work. More than the initial offer.

A client who tripped at work causing injuries to her face, right arm, wrist and thumb has been awarded £2,500 damages. More than the initial offer.

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