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Personal Injury compensation claims

Our highly regarded, experienced and trusted team of specialist lawyers handles over 800 personal injury claims every year. Whether it is workplace accidents (including fatal accidents and catastrophic claims), work-related diseases, road traffic accidents, medical negligence or other public liability claims, we are here to help.

A client who was injured when he fell from a ladder at work has been awarded £4,850 damages. More than the initial offer.

A client whose fingers were crushed due to the sudden movement of a valve in a gear box has been awarded £5,000 damages. More than the initial offer.

£16,200 compensation has been awarded to a client who suffered wrist and shoulder injuries when she tripped on a pavement. More than the initial offer.

£7,500 compensation has been awarded to a client who injured the left-hand side of her body (elbow, wrist, and hip) when she hit a pothole while cycling. More than the initial offer.

A client who was injured when she slipped and fell downstairs, sustaining injuries to her neck and back has been awarded £3,500 damages.

A client who was injured when she slipped at work on soap that leaked from a soap dispenser has been awarded £4,500 damages. More than the initial offer.

£9,000 compensation has been awarded to a client who was injured when she fell downstairs at work due to faulty lighting. More than the initial offer.

£4,750 compensation has been awarded to a client who was injured when she slipped on ice. More than the initial offer.

£15,000 compensation has been awarded to a client whose foot was injured when he slipped on a substance on a gantry. More than the initial offer.

A client who suffered a pulmonary embolism as a venous thromboembolism prophylaxis had not been administered has been awarded £13,000 damages. More than the initial offer.

£4,700 compensation has been awarded to a client who fractured her ankle when she fell on an uneven road surface in a workplace car park. More than the initial offer.

A client who suffered leg and knee injuries in a road traffic accident has been awarded £9,615 damages. More than the initial offer.

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