Unite the Union

Legal services for Unite the Union members and their families

Unite the Union

Allan McDougall Solicitors has been working for Unite the Union members and their families throughout Scotland for many decades.

There is a significant financial advantage for Unite members in using Unite's legal services scheme, rather than a non-Unite law firm.

How we help Unite members

As panel solicitors for Unite Legal Services, we act for Unite members free of charge when you need legal advice for:

Personal injury compensation claims

  • Accidents at or away from work, including on holiday.
  • Workplace injuries such as industrial deafness and repetitive strain injuries.
  • Industrial diseases such as asbestos-related illnesses and vibration white finger.
  • Road traffic and cycle accidents.
  • Public liability and occupiers liability claims.
  • Medical and dental negligence.

We also offer members' families a free service for all personal injury claims aside from injuries sustained at work.

Employment issues

  • Settlement agreements.
  • Unlawful deductions from wages.
  • Holiday pay issues.
  • Unfair dismissal.
  • Redundancy.
  • Discrimination.
  • Maternity and paternity rights.
  • And other employment issues.

As a Unite member, you and your family members will not be charged a success fee. This means that you will receive 100% of any compensation. Note that most other law firms that are not panel solicitors for Unite Legal Services will retain a significant percentage (as high as 30%) of your settlement.

Family matters

We provide our family law services at a reduced rate for members.

Other legal services

We can also help you with other legal services through our sister brand McDougall McQueen, including:

  • Drafting a will for you free of charge and at a discounted rate for your family members.
  • Providing conveyancing and estate agency services at reduced rates.

How to make a claim

Making a personal injury compensation claim could not be simpler.

You can either:

As there are time limits for personal injury claims, it is always best to contact Unite as soon as possible. Your case will be passed to the panel solicitor for your branch, and they will contact you quickly. Don’t worry at all if you’re unsure whether you have a case. The panel solicitor will guide you on it all.

Key points to remember when considering making a claim:

  • As a Unite member, you will keep 100% of any compensation awarded to you. Most other firms that are not panel solicitors for Unite would keep as much as 30% of your compensation payment as a success fee.
  • Your Unite membership opens the door to experienced and specialist expert legal representation.

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  • Ruaraidh Lawson's professionalism and expert knowledge on employment law served me beyond my expectations and resulted in a successful outcome preventing further trauma in my life.
  • Great service. Gordon Milligan handled everything perfectly.
  • Gordon Bathgate has always been beyond excellent.

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