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Personal Injury compensation claims

Our highly regarded, experienced and trusted team of specialist lawyers handles over 800 personal injury claims every year. Whether it is workplace accidents (including fatal accidents and catastrophic claims), work-related diseases, road traffic accidents, medical negligence or other public liability claims, we are here to help.

A man who was injured in a road traffic accident when a car drove into back of his vehicle has been awarded £1,600 compensation.

A Unite Scotland member who was assaulted at work has been awarded £3,500 compensation in a claim handled by Allan McDougall. More than initially offered.

Allan McDougall has won £2,700 compensation for a Unite Scotland worker who was injured when a bus drove into the side of his bus. More than one third more than initially offered.

Man injured when a hedge trimmer fell and hit his leg has been awarded £2,000 compensation.

£1,100 compensation secured by Allan McDougall for Unite Scotland member injured when she slipped on a wet floor in her workplace.

£4,200 compensation secured for a Unite Scotland member injured when he jammed his fingers in a machine. Well above initial offer.

A Unite Scotland member who developed a hernia lifting a 25kg chemical drum is awarded £11,191 compensation.

£5,000 compensation received by worker injured when he jammed his fingers while cleaning magnetic filters in a wash tank.

Man who suffered a laceration to his left knee in workplace accident is awarded £2,000 compensation.

Unite Scotland member who was knocked down by a car awarded £4,750 compensation.

Allan McDougall secures £11,400 compensation for Unite Scotland member injured when she tripped on a step at a training course.

£850 compensation awarded to worker for personal injury claim due to sanitiser splashing in her eye.

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