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Our highly regarded, experienced and trusted team of specialist lawyers handles over 800 personal injury claims every year. Whether it is workplace accidents (including fatal accidents and catastrophic claims), work-related diseases, road traffic accidents, medical negligence or other public liability claims, we are here to help.
£3,000 for Unite Scotland member's back injury when lifting meter cover.
£2,500 compensation for Unite Scotland worker injured in trip over electrical sockets on floor.
£4,020 compensation for Unite Scotland member when car drove into his vehicle.
£10,000 compensation secured by Allan McDougall for Unite Scotland member injured when he hit his pacemaker on machine at work.
A Unite Scotland member wins £20,686 compensation for workplace injury when tripping over mat, thanks to Allan McDougall
£7,693 compensation for Unite Scotland member injured while driving tractor that was struck by a car.
£3,640 compensation secured by Allan McDougall for Unite Scotland member when car crashed into her from behind.
£7,500 compensation for Unite Scotland member injured when draw bar on tractor dropped landing on his foot.
£3,200 compensation secured by Allan McDougall for man Injured when he was knocked off his bike in cycling accident
£7,100 compensation for Unite Scotland worker injured loading pallets in workplace and metal pole hit his face.
£7,250 compensation secured by Allan McDougall for Unite Scotland member Injured lifting compaction tool onto lorry.
Worker injured when he fell out of lorry receives £9,000 compensation thanks to Allan McDougall and Unite Scotland legal services.